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This is the historical archive of TBTF and the TBTF Log. Tasty Bits from the Technology Front was a pioneering email and Web newsletter that alerted a discriminating readership to bellwethers in computer and communications technology, with special attention to commerce on the Internet. The TBTF Log was an early weblog-style experiment in rapid news dissemination.

TBTF and the TBTF Log are no longer being published. The newsletter began in late 1994 and the final full edition was issued in mid-2000. The archive contains TBTF's complete oeuvre as a public service, 195 issues from April 1995 to July 2000. The TBTF Log ran from October 1999 until July 2001, with one outlier item published in May 2002.

Here is the farewell notice that went out to subscribers to TBTF and the TBTF Log on January 14, 2003.

TBTF and the TBTF Log were offered free of charge to the Internet community as a service of the Technology Front, a consultancy solving problems at the nexus of Internet technology, business, and marketing. They were supported in part by a generous community of TBTF Benefactors.

Here is the original TBTF site's home page in its final form. It will not be updated henceforth. This is your best starting place for exploring this historical information published coincident with the Web boom. Other starting points: Here is the final issue published in July 2000. See Threads for an overview of the terrain TBTF covered. Read what people said about the newsletter. Here's the FAQ for the enterprise and here is TBTF's original charter.

Created 2003-01-06