April 27, 2024
  • Templars and Tomar
    Templar History

    The Templars and Tomar

    Tomar, a picturesque town located in central Portugal, holds a significant place in the history of the Knights Templar. Known as the “City of the Templars,” Tomar served as a headquarters and stronghold for the [...]
  • Masonic Dictionary

    Royal Order of Jesters

    Usually so called, but more formally named the Royal Order of Jesters, an organization evolved out of the good fellowship of members of the Mystic Shrine during a voyage to Honolulu, February 15 to March 7, 1911. [...]
  • Masonic Dictionary

    Stuart Masonry

    This title is given by Masonic historians to that system of Freemasonry Which is supposed to have been invented by the adherents of the exiled House of Stuart for the purpose of being used as [...]
  • Masonic Dictionary

    Presentation of the Masonic Apron

    by Bro. John W. Wells, Iowa IN presenting the Apron to a Brother, we say that it is more ancient than the Golden Fleece or the Roman Eagle, more honorable than the Star and Garter, [...]
  • Masonic Dictionary

    Goose and Gridiron

    An alehouse with this sign, in St. Paul’s Church Yards London. In 1717 the Lodge of Antiquity met at the Goose and Gridiron, and it was there that the first Quarterly Communication of the Grand [...]

Latest Templar History Video

Templar History

Knights Templar - Templar Seal - Militi Templi Scotia
Templar History

Templar Punishment and Discipline

In any monastic institution, a set of rules is necessary to govern the order. The Templars were no exception, and in 1128, Bernard of Clairvaux assisted in drawing up the Templar Rule, which included Templar […]

The Knights Templar - Knights Templar Clothing - Templar Hierarchy
Templar History

The Knights Templar

The Order of the Poor Knights of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon, or, as it is otherwise called, Knights Templar, was founded in Palestine in the 12th century by the Crusaders. The Order […]

The Cistercians
Templar History

The Cistercians

Above: The Cistercians built Melrose Abbey:  JeremyA under CC BY-SA 2.5 The Knights Templar are known to history as the warrior monks, but what is not as commonly known is the kinship the Order shared […]

The Crusades

The Knights Templar - Knights Templar Clothing - Templar Hierarchy
Templar History

The Knights Templar

The Order of the Poor Knights of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon, or, as it is otherwise called, Knights Templar, was founded in Palestine in the 12th century by the Crusaders. The Order […]

Knights Hospitaller
The Crusades

The Knights Hospitaller

The Knights Hospitaller, known officially as “Knights of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem,” was founded at Jerusalem during the first Crusade. It has been known also as “Knights of Rhodes”, […]

Pope Urban II
The Crusades

Pope Urban II – 1042 – 1099

Above: Pope Urban II by Thesupermat – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link Pope Urban II, the man who was ultimately responsible for the launch of the first Crusade was born Odo de Lagery, although […]

Templar Mysteries

Baphomet theories
Templar Mysteries

Atbash Cipher Theory and Baphomet

In order to understand the Atbash Cipher theory, as it relates to the Baphomet mythos, it is first important to examine the origins of the code. As early as 500 BC Scribes writing the book […]

scottish rite - mystic ladder
Modern Templars

The Mystic Ladder

Publisher’s Note: Many of the writings  of early Masonic historians took considerable liberties with Templar History, connecting their lineage to the Freemasons. As such, we present this information on the mystic ladder as a record […]

Rosslyn carving's Templar connection
Templar Mysteries

Rosslyn Carving’s Templar connection

The enigmatic carving discovered at Rosslyn Chapel has been a subject of fascination for many, leading to various speculations of the Rosslyn carving’s Templar connection. This carving (shown above) features what appears to be two […]

Modern Day Templarism

Albert pike - templarism
Modern Templars

Templarism: Its Duty And Its Sphere

Templarism by Albert Pike Seven centuries and a half have passed away since, in 1118 eight French noblemen, uniting themselves into a society, became the Master and Brethren of the Temple. They first displayed the […]

Solar Temple
Modern Templars

Solar Temple Cult, the tragedy

Solar Temple Cult, the tragedy – by Stephen Dafoe © 2002 It was in 1120 AD that nine knights met in Palestine under the noble purpose of protecting Christian pilgrims on route to the Holy […]

Chivalry for Children
Modern Templars

Chivalry for Children Program

Chivalry for Children by Allen Leddon “Chivalry is dead.” I’ve heard that a thousand times. I’ve said it myself. You’ve probably said it, too. But thinking about it, I’ve realized that what people generally mean […]

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Templars burning at the stake
Battle of Arsuf
Templar Grand Masters - Jacques de Molay

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