Global Outplacement Firm

See the source imageSince 1979, we’ve coached thousands of associates to make successful transitions into new jobs through our 47-step process we’ve developed dealing with the emotions of job loss, discovering passions and each step to uncovering new opportunities. We’re successful because our solutions are aligned with the client’s culture, values, visions and objectives. Implementation based on understandings delivers measurable results which sets up long-term success.

What We Do

The Transition Team is an international network of offices providing solutions with a full range of career transition services including executive and group outplacement, facility closures, coaching, trailing spouse/partner programs and an array of human resource consulting and development services.

This website has been designed to assist decision makers who are evaluating the issue concerning the selection of an outplacement company, while managing lay-offs.

We believe if you have invested the time to thoroughly research this crucial down sizing decision, you will find that The Transition Team site will present direction for assessing our services as well as the outplacement process in general.

By the Numbers

Employee Placement

Since 1979, The Transition Team has successfully placed over 500,000 laid off employees.

Landing Time

With an average landing time of only 84 days, The Transition Team is an industry leader.

Facility Closing

With the use of metrics and our focus on image protection and damage control throughout the entire process, our client loyalty remains high. We offer a leading edge seamless process that positively impacts the affected employees, the corporation and the community.