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Using a credit card to make purchases is straightforward, but understanding the ins and outs of how exactly they work can be more complicated.On the back end, credit card issuers can take certain liberties that impact your cards' features. If you dig into the fine print, you'll find that card issuers generally mention they can...

Major FAFSA issues have left millions of students waiting on financial aid packages, unsure if they’ll be able to afford college next year. There’s not much you can do to speed up aid offers, but you can increase your odds of affording college by applying to scholarships. It’s not too late to start your scholarship...

Planning what to buy is essential for efficient and cost-effective trips to the grocery store. It’s smart to customize a list based on where you do your grocery shopping; you’ll find a different selection at a supermarket than at a wholesale club or neighborhood health food store. Stocking up on toilet paper, laundry detergent and...