George Fern

Family Lawyer

3930 Liberty Avenue, New York


Welcome to the legal practice of George Fern, where empathy and expertise meet to guide you through your family law needs. With 20 years of dedicated experience, George has become a trusted advocate in the field of family law, offering compassionate, personalized legal counsel in matters ranging from divorce and child custody to estate planning and guardianship. George's approach is rooted in a deep understanding of the sensitive nature of family law cases, ensuring that each client is treated with the utmost respect and discretion. His extensive experience, coupled with a commitment to staying abreast of the latest legal developments, empowers George to provide effective, tailored solutions that protect your interests and foster amicable resolutions. Whether navigating complex legal challenges or seeking preventative advice, George Fern is committed to supporting you and your family every step of the way.

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"George Fern is the best lawyer I've ever worked with. He was able to get me the settlement I deserved in my divorce case. I would highly recommend him to anyone looking for a family lawyer."

- Albert

"During my challenging child custody battle, George Fern provided exceptional guidance and support. His strategic approach and deep understanding of family law led to a positive outcome for me and my children."

- Sarah

"Facing a difficult adoption process, we turned to George Fern for help. His knowledge and compassionate handling of our case led to a joyful and successful adoption."

- Ethan & Rachel

"When I needed legal assistance with a restraining order during a domestic dispute, George Fern was a calming and knowledgeable presence. His swift and effective action provided the protection my family needed."

- Esther