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X-Symbol for WYSIWYG in Emacs

When you edit LaTeX, HTML, BibTeX or TeXinfo sources in Emacs, package X-Symbol provides some kind of WYSIWYG by using real characters for tokens like \oplus or ™. It also provides various input methods to insert these characters. Thumbnails for included images and real super-/subscripts and are also supported.

Read some notes on related programs and Emacs packages like Lyx, preview-latex and WhizzyTeX. Check the details (page includes screenshots) on conversion, input methods and image thumbnails. Check the manual for in-depth information. Check the news for the newest version number, recent changes and installation instructions. At SourceForge.net, check the project summary and download the package.

You might want to try some other Emacs packages I have written: ANTLR-Mode, Session and Template.

Christoph Wedler, 06 Nov 2003