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A Kosher information source on the internet for the kosher consumer.
URL: http://www.kashrut.com/
Title: Kashrut.Com - The Premier Kosher Information Source on the Internet
Description: Society, Religion and Spirituality, Judaism, Kashrut - Kashrut.Com. A Kosher information source on the internet for the kosher consumer.

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Kosher Cooking (Popularity: ): A wonderful collection of recipes for the Jewish holidays and everyday
Organized Kashrus Laboratories (Popularity: ): A kosher supervision agency.
The Brochot Site (Popularity: ): A list of the appropriate bracha for any food.
KosherCurry.co.uk (Popularity: ): Recipes of kosher curry dishes, based on Indian, Pakistani and Thai dishes
jewish-food Mailing List Archives (Popularity: ): Categorized, searchable collection of recipes submitted by list members. Yahoo registration required to join list.
Kosher Technical Konsultants (Popularity: ): Profile, articles on kashrut, application for certification.
Kosher Delight (Popularity: ): Comprehensive Kosher restaurant database organized by geographical region.
Vaad Harabanim of Greater Washington (Popularity: ): Organization of Orthodox Rabbis in the Metropolitan Washington area responsible for kashrut supervision.
Atlanta Kashruth Commission (Popularity: ): A non-profit Southern based community kosher organization with a worldwide reputation for quality kashruth standards.
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Kosherfest (Popularity: ): Annual trade show for the Kosher food, ingredients, equipment, and food service,

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KO Kosher (Popularity: ): Offers kosher supervision in the Philadelphia area.
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Kosherfest (Popularity: ): Annual trade show for the Kosher food, ingredients, equipment, and food service,
Star K Kosher Certification (Popularity: ): A worldwide agency. Includes lists of certified products, restaurants, and a Kosher primer.