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           13 November, 2024
Society » Issues » Children, Youth and Family » Child Abuse


Shaken Baby Syndrome Defense

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Discusses the possible causes of the symptoms other than abuse, the difficulty of establishing the time of head injuries, and other controversies. Written by an criminal defense attorney specializing in these child abuse cases.
URL: http://www.sbsdefense.com/
Title: Shaken Baby Syndrome Defense
Description: Society, Issues, Children, Youth and Family, Child Abuse - Shaken Baby Syndrome Defense. Discusses the possible causes of the symptoms other than abuse, the difficulty of establishing the time of head injuries, and other controversies.

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American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children (Popularity: ): Addresses all facets of the professional response to child maltreatment: prevention, assessment, intervention, and treatment.
National Foundation for Abused and Neglected Children (Popularity: ): A nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the administration of juvenile justice, research into the incidence, cause, and the prevention of ...
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Mothers of Lost Children (Popularity: ): Organization for women who have lost custody of their children as a result of making child abuse allegations.
at the grave of the unknown child (Popularity: ): One child's story. Free PDF.
First Witness (Popularity: ): A child abuse resource center that trains professionals on how to conduct child-friendly, non-traumatic, forensic interviews.
Adults and Children Together Against Violence (ACT) (Popularity: ): Sponsored by the American Psychological Association and others, ACT seeks to prevent violence by providing young children with positive role ...
Kidshouse (Popularity: ): Kids House of Seminole, Inc. is a non-profit organization protecting abused children in Seminole County, Florida.
Our Friends' Place (Popularity: ): Our Friends' Place is a safe haven for neglected, abused or abandoned girls, ages 10-17 in Dallas, Texas
Larimer County Child Advocacy Center (Popularity: ): The Larimer County Child Advocacy Center provides a child-friendly environment designed to meet abused children's needs for warmth, support, and ...
National Center on Shaken Baby Syndrome (Popularity: ): Resources, conference information, speaker listings, preventon programs and materials. Located in Ogden, Utah.
Shaken Baby Task Force (Popularity: ): Coping strategies, anger management, and prevention techniques are offered along with a hotline and other resources.

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Child Abuse Council of Muskegon County, Michigan (Popularity: ): Seeks to prevent child abuse through community programs, advocacy, and education. Newsletter, CASA program, and Child Advocacy Center.
Good-Touch/Bad-Touch (Popularity: ): A comprehensive child abuse prevention curriculum designed for pre-school and kindergarten through sixth grade students.
American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children (Popularity: ): Addresses all facets of the professional response to child maltreatment: prevention, assessment, intervention, and treatment.
Maryland CASA Association (Popularity: ): Child advocates and volunteers represent abused and neglected children in juvenile court for foster homes, child welfare services and child ...
Mothers of Lost Children (Popularity: ): Organization for women who have lost custody of their children as a result of making child abuse allegations.

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