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           13 November, 2024
Society » Issues » Children, Youth and Family » Child Abuse


Child Advocates, Inc.

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A private, non-profit organization in Houston dedicated to breaking the cycle of child abuse through the court appointed special advocate system.
URL: http://www.childadvocates.org
Title: Child Advocates, Inc. - Houston's Leading Voice for the Rights of Abused Children
Description: Society, Issues, Children, Youth and Family, Child Abuse - Child Advocates, Inc.. A private, non-profit organization in Houston dedicated to breaking the cycle of child abuse through the court appointed special advocate system.

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Popular Sites
Child Abuse Council of Muskegon County, Michigan (Popularity: ): Seeks to prevent child abuse through community programs, advocacy, and education. Newsletter, CASA program, and Child Advocacy Center.
Good-Touch/Bad-Touch (Popularity: ): A comprehensive child abuse prevention curriculum designed for pre-school and kindergarten through sixth grade students.
American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children (Popularity: ): Addresses all facets of the professional response to child maltreatment: prevention, assessment, intervention, and treatment.
Maryland CASA Association (Popularity: ): Child advocates and volunteers represent abused and neglected children in juvenile court for foster homes, child welfare services and child ...
Mothers of Lost Children (Popularity: ): Organization for women who have lost custody of their children as a result of making child abuse allegations.

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