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           09 February, 2025
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National Latino Fatherhood and Family Institute

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An organization that is working to promote the involvement of Latino men in their children's lives.
URL: http://www.nlffi.org/
Title: NLFFI
Description: Home, Family, Parenting, Fathers - National Latino Fatherhood and Family Institute. An organization that is working to promote the involvement of Latino men in their children's lives.

Related Sites 
National Center for Fathering (Popularity: ): Because of the trend toward fatherlessness in America, the Center was founded in 1990 by Dr. Ken Canfield to conduct ...
Fatherhood Information Hub (Popularity: ): Offers articles, insights and on-line surveys for men raising children.
US Dept of Human Services Fatherhood Initiative (Popularity: ): Initiative to support and strengthen the roles of fathers in families.
Family Man (Popularity: ): Writer Gregg Keer gives chronicles parenting and fatherhood with humor.
Fatherville.com (Popularity: ): An online resource for fathers, by fathers, offering stories, advice and inspiration to fellow Dads.
Dads at a Distance (Popularity: ): Activities that long distance dads can do from a distance to maintain and strengthen relationships with their children.
DadTalk (Popularity: ): A news source that looks at the world through dad-colored glasses.
Blog d'Elisson (Popularity: ): Writer waxes eloquent on many topics including his daughters.
The Single Fathers' Lighthouse (Popularity: ): One man's terrifyingly wonderful journey which also honors all parents, single or partnered, Moms and Dads; by a single Father.
Responsible Single Fathers (Popularity: ): Offers parenting information and support both online and through networks in U.S.
National Fathers' Network (Popularity: ): Provides support and resources for fathers and families of children with chronic illness and developmental disabilities.
Team Dad (Popularity: ): Organization to support fathering and other fatherhood related organizations.

Popular Sites
All Pro Dad (Popularity: ): Christian focused commercial site, using sports metaphors and star athletes as role models for fathering network.
The Single Fathers' Lighthouse (Popularity: ): One man's terrifyingly wonderful journey which also honors all parents, single or partnered, Moms and Dads; by a single Father.
National Latino Fatherhood and Family Institute (Popularity: ): An organization that is working to promote the involvement of Latino men in their children's lives.
Dads at a Distance (Popularity: ): Activities that long distance dads can do from a distance to maintain and strengthen relationships with their children.
Dads and Daughters (Popularity: ): Organization of men with daughters that provides tools to build relationships & understand the socialization of female body image and ...

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'Huipiles: A Celebration' Event at the Mexican Cultural Institute (Popularity: ): The Embassy of Mexico informs that on Thursday, July 19, at 7:00 PM, the exhibition "Huipiles: A Celebration" will be ...

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