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           09 February, 2025
Recreation » Outdoors » Scuba Diving » Dive Organizations


Australian Diver Accreditation Scheme (ADAS)

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A Commonwealth Government not-for-profit diver training and accreditation scheme, for occupational divers.
URL: http://www.adas.org.au
Title: ADAS - Australian Diver Accreditation Scheme
Description: The Australian Diver Accreditation Scheme (ADAS) is a Commonwealth Government not-for-profit diver training and accreditation scheme, where training programs are designed specifically to conform with the requirements of the Australian Standard AS 2815 - Training and Certification of Occupational Divers.
Specialized in: Adas - Australian - Diver - Accreditation - Scheme - Occupational - Training Programs - Diving - Certification - Competencies - Qualifications - Assessments - Levels - Dive - Trainers - Supervisors - Managers - Underwater - Construction - Powered Tools

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