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           15 February, 2025
Business » Electronics and Electrical » Wiring and Accessories » Coaxial Cable


Woken Technology Inc

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Manufactures microwave/rf coaxial connectors, cables, cable assemblies, microwave/rf antennas and rf accessories and distributor for worldwide manufacturers of rf/microwave and wireless telecommunications equipment. From Taiwan.
URL: http://www.woken.com.tw/
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Description: Business, Electronics and Electrical, Wiring and Accessories, Coaxial Cable - Woken Technology Inc. Manufactures microwave/rf coaxial connectors, cables, cable assemblies, microwave/rf antennas and rf accessories and distributor for worldwide manufacturers of rf/microwave and wireless telecommunications equipment.

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Woken Technology Inc (Popularity: ): Manufactures microwave/rf coaxial connectors, cables, cable assemblies, microwave/rf antennas and rf accessories and distributor for worldwide manufacturers of rf/microwave and ...
Florida RS Technology (Popularity: ): Designed and patented a line of unique coaxial cable stripping and center conductor pointing tools.

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