A non-profit organization established to promote the welfare of and encourage the advancement and improvement of zoology, recreation, education, conservation and science.
The Canadian Association of Zoos and Aquariums is a non-profit organization established to promote the welfare of animals and encourage the advancement and improvement of education, conservation and science.
World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (Popularity: ): Membership includes 172 leading zoological institutions and 17 regional/national zoo associations working together to conserve species, promote animal welfare, and ... American Association of Zoo Veterinarians (Popularity: ): Membership information, position openings, Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. European Association of Zoos and Aquaria (Popularity: ): Promotes co-operation for furthering wildlife conservation, particularly through European Endangered Species Programmes (EEP). Includes list of members and EEPs. American Association of Zoo Keepers (Popularity: ): An interactive resource with information about the zoo world, zoo keeping profession and conservation of plant and animal ecosystems. Australasian Society of Zoo Keeping (Popularity: ): A professional association dedicated to the captive husbandry and conservation of wild animals in the Australasian region, and the further ... Deutsche Tierpark Gesellschaft (Popularity: ): German association of smaller zoos, with member directory. Association of Zoological Horticulture (Popularity: ): Dedicated to the advancement of zoo horticulture in zoological parks, gardens and aquariums. Includes membership and board information and helpful ... Aquarium and Zoo Facilities Association (Popularity: ): The purpose of the AZFA is to encourage the exchange of ideas with respect to the construction and maintenance of ...
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Aquarium and Zoo Facilities Association (Popularity: ): The purpose of the AZFA is to encourage the exchange of ideas with respect to the construction and maintenance of ... Association of Zoological Horticulture (Popularity: ): Dedicated to the advancement of zoo horticulture in zoological parks, gardens and aquariums. Includes membership and board information and helpful ... Deutsche Tierpark Gesellschaft (Popularity: ): German association of smaller zoos, with member directory. Canadian Association of Zoos and Aquariums (Popularity: ): A non-profit organization established to promote the welfare of and encourage the advancement and improvement of zoology, recreation, education, conservation ... Australasian Society of Zoo Keeping (Popularity: ): A professional association dedicated to the captive husbandry and conservation of wild animals in the Australasian region, and the further ...
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